Standby Screen Media

Standby Screen Media

The standby screen can be a powerful tool to showcase the machine's products, the company behind them, or even a way to earn additional revenue by selling advertising space to other local companies. The standby screen is a slideshow of images and/or videos that play in a loop whenever no customers have interacted with the machine for a short time. Once a customer touches anywhere on the screen of the machine, the machine will return to the main shopping screen until it has not been touched again for a short while. 

The standby screen is not enabled on the machine by default. Below are the settings relating to the standby screen:

  1. Log into the Admin login of the machine.

  2. Tap on the Information Settings button (middle button on the left side).

  3. Swipe down to the "Standby picture time" setting
    1. This is how long the machine will take to show the standby media after it is last tapped. 
    2. To edit this, tap the arrow to the right of the current value, and select the new value (measured in seconds).
    3. The recommended time for this setting is 120 seconds.

  4. Swipe down to the "Play image interval time" setting (right below "Standby picture time")
    1. This is how long an image will be displayed before moving on to the next image or video (videos will remain on screen until the video plays all the way through).
    2. To edit this, tap the arrow to the right of the current value, then select the new value (measured in seconds).
    3. The recommended time for this setting is 10 seconds.

  5. Swipe down to the "Standby advertisement display" switch
    1. To allow the machine to display standby media, toggle this switch to the right so that it displays blue.
    2. To prevent the machine from showing any standby media and stay on the main shopping screen, toggle this switch to the left so it displays grey.
    3. If the machine displays standby media when there is none, the screen will go black until touched by a customer.

  6. After any settings are changed, scroll to the bottom of this screen and tap the CONFIRM button to save any changes.

  7. If the standby media does not start displaying after the preset time, turn the machine off, wait 30 seconds, then turn it back on to ensure the changes have been saved.

  8. If the standby screen does appear but displays as a black screen or skips any of the media, ensure the files are the correct size, type, and compression.
    1. Videos should be at least 1080 x 1920px and must be 9x16 ratio or will be distorted. Full HD video is supported but will require more memory and CPU to play. Supported file formats are .avi, .mpeg4, .mp4, .wmv, .mkv, and .flv. If a video is not compressed enough or takes up too much memory, it will not play. Try compressing or otherwise reducing the memory of the video and re-adding it to the machine.
    2. Images should be at least 1080 x 1920px and be 9x16 ratio or will be distorted. Supported file formats are .jpeg, .png, and .jpg.

  9. Standby media is saved in the ImageScreen folder of the machine's memory. For information on how to access and add or remove files from this folder, consult the machine's manual.

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