What Machine Do You Have?
Use this information to determine the model of machine you have. This will help you find manuals, trainings, and technical support videos, and will also assist in any communication you have with our staff!
Discount Vending Machines
Discount Vending Machines
Custom Vending Machines

Duravend 3C
6 coils wide, right door slides forward, no touchscreen, no elevator, can be refrigerated.

Duravend 5C
10 coils wide, right door slides forward, no touchscreen, no elevator, can be refrigerated.

Duravend 54BE
9 coils/ 7 belts wide, right door slides forward, no touchscreen, includes elevator, can be refrigerated.

Duravend 40-20
10 coils wide, right door swings open, no touchscreen (has media player), no elevator, no refrigeration.

Duravend BBXL Touch
10 coils wide, right door swings open, includes touchscreen, no elevator, no refrigeration.

Duravend FET22
9 coils/ 7 belts wide, right door swings open, includes touchscreen, includes elevator, can be frozen.

Sweet Spin
Cotton Candy
Cotton candy spinner, manipulator arm,
heated interior, large touchscreen

Duravend FET49
9 coils/ 7 belts wide, right door slides forward, includes touchscreen, includes elevator, can be frozen.
Custom Vending Machines

10 coils total, no glass to view products, includes large touchscreen, no elevator, no refrigeration.

7 coils/ 6 belts wide, right door slides forward, includes touchscreen, includes elevator, can be refrigerated.

OMNI Vista
7 coils/ 6 belts wide, no glass to view products, includes large touchscreen, includes elevator, can be refrigerated.

9 coils/ 7 belts wide, right door swings open, includes touchscreen, includes elevator, can be refrigerated.

OMNI Elite Lite
10 coils wide, right door swings open, includes touchscreen, no elevator, no refrigeration.

OMNI Elite
10 coils/ 9 belts wide, right door slides forward, includes touchscreen, includes elevator, can be refrigerated.

Omni Vista Frozen
9 coils/ 7 belts wide, right door slides forward, includes touchscreen, includes elevator, can be frozen.

OMNI Frozen Elite
9 coils/ 7 belts wide, right door swings open, includes touchscreen, includes elevator, can be frozen.
You can also check the machine's serial number sticker
The serial number sticker is on the inside of the machine, usually on the right side.
• If the right door slides forward, the sticker will be on the top portion of the right door once opened.
• If the right door swings outward, the sticker will be behind where the right door was, next to the shelving area.
• If the machine does not have a right door, the sticker will be visible once the machine is opened.
The Model# on this sticker shows what the type of machine this is.
Mother Board Type
Some manuals and guides may specify a type of machine motherboard. There are two types of motherboards: red and green. Here is how to tell the difference.
Green Motherboard - Motherboard
The motherboard(s) for a green motherboard machine will be green. Motherboards can be located on the back of the right door or the inside top of the right sliding door as indicated in your machine's manual. Motherboards may be behind a metal plate, though the color of the board can usually be seen by looking behind the gaps in the plate without removing it. If the plate must be removed, it is held on with 7mm nuts, and should be replaced after verifying the color of the motherboard.
Green Motherboard - Keypad
If the machine has a keypad, that can be used to determine what type of motherboard the machine has. If the keypad on the machine matches the one pictured here, notably the Multivend key, the machine has a green motherboard. On this keypad, the keys to navigate through the menus are 2, 4, 6, and 8 moving up, left, right, and down, respectively.
Red Motherboard - Motherboard
The motherboard for a red motherboard machine will be red. Motherboards can be located on the back of the right door or the inside top of the right sliding door as indicated in your machine's manual. Motherboards may be behind a metal plate, though the color of the board can usually be seen by looking behind the gaps in the plate without removing it. If the plate must be removed, it is held on with 7mm nuts, and should be replaced after verifying the color of the motherboard.
Red Motherboard - Keypad
If the machine has a keypad, that can be used to determine what type of motherboard the machine has. If the keypad on the machine matches the one pictured here, notably having no Multivend key, the machine has a red motherboard. On this keypad, the keys to navigate the machine's menus are 8 to move up and 0 to move down.
Didn't find what you were looking for?
Feel free to reach out to our esteemed technical support department to answer any questions you may have over the phone at (719)-301-4648 or over email at tech@remarcvending.com or you can fill out a support ticket to the right.
Didn't find what you were looking for?
Feel free to reach out to our esteemed technical support department to answer any questions you may have over the phone at (719)-301-4648 or over email at tech@remarcvending.com or you can fill out a support ticket to the right.